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  • Writer's pictureKaleo Church

Meet Siraya Schultz!

God has used the gospel to form so many joyful and humble Christ-treasuring servants. Oftentimes we don't see a majority of the service people do to glorify Christ and serve His body at Kaleo. This week we want to introduce you to Siraya Schultz. We asked Siraya some questions and hope it will encourage you as well as help you better know her. Enjoy!

1. How and when did Jesus draw you to himself? Was a process overtime. I grew up in a Christian home so knew what I was "supposed to do". But it was not until college that I was challenged with what I actually believed versus just believing because my parents did. I started to have a real understanding of what having a relationship with Christ really meant. I truly felt the closeness to Jesus once I learned what walking in the light looked like and started living it out. The freedom from hiding and keeping everything in is a wonderful feeling. 2. How long have you been a member of Kaleo Church? I became a member in 2018. 3. Can you tell us a little bit about your job? I work in Affordable Housing and manage a property in Mission Valley and I also live onsite. Job entails interviewing applicants and determining eligibility while also taking care of the needs of the residents. 4. What are a few ways you serve Kaleo Church? What has been most encouraging? Most challenging? Kaleo Kids, Greeting, Women's Ministry, assisting with Weekly Email and helping as needed. Seeing the women of Kaleo connect with each other and their relationship with Jesus deepen at events is always very encouraging. Greeting is the most challenging, talking to new people is very stretching for me. 5. How can someone who is interested in serving at Kaleo Church find a place to serve? There are needs everywhere, even if it is not a specific program. Don't be afraid to ask where the needs are. I would love to help find a need that fits their gifting. 6. What one word of wisdom would you give to other singles regarding serving Christ and His body? We are a family. An amazing way to love your family is serving . It is also a great way to connect with people you wouldn't expect and then can lead to becoming more like family. 7. What are some of your favorite things to do when you get some free time? Quality time with people I am close with is the best! I would do it all day every day if I could. I also really enjoy movies, cooking and travel. 8. What is something that most people do not know about you? I lived in Madagascar with my family for almost a year from the ages of 10-11.

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